Psychological Counselling

Psychological Counselling of Student along with parents counselling

How emotional-social wellbeing is interrelated & important for student’s overall growth:

Health is often understood as only physical health but holistically a child is considered healthy only when he or she is mentally and emotionally balanced. Both are interdependent and responsible for the growth. Emotional wellbeing includes being happy and confident and not anxious or depressed. Psychological wellbeing includes the ability to solve the problems, make decisions, experience empathy be resilient and attentive. Social wellbeing means having good relationship with others and having no behavioural issues such as violence and destruction. It also means expression of creativity and power to communicate our emotions such as fear, joy, disgust, acceptance, and our thoughts clearly.

At Career Disha, our counselling sessions would be focused with the objective to make them understand themselves better, their strengths, passions, their responsibilities and able to communicate, express, and be a positive and healthy human being and part of the society. It would also be our focus to create advocacy and awareness between students, parents, teachers about Career goals, with the help of Aptitude testing and Career Counselling, equip them to make balanced decisions about the future.


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6, Shubhashree Apartment, Aamchi Colony,
NDA-Pashan Road Bavdhan, Pune-21
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