42 years’ functional experience in Tata Motors in Techno-Commercial-Training areas
(R & D, Manufacturing, CNC production, Industrial Engineering, Vehicle Parts’ Packaging, Quality Systems & Standards and Learning & Development)
Faculty for behavioral / technical skills :
Topics such as Innovation, Cost Reduction, Change Management, Team Work, Industrial Safety, Quality & Environment, Presentation Skills, Interview Technique, Communication Skills, Work Culture, Time Management, Waste Management – Kaizen, Role Model
Career Guidance:
- Hundreds of students in ITIs, Polytechnic Colleges, Engineering Colleges were benefitted by Career Guidance given while working at Tata Motors
- Mentoring at Sarthak Foundation : involved for last 3 years
- Contribution in Designing, Developing and enhancing Sarthak Mentoring Process
- ‘Key Note Speaker’ at ‘The Institute of Engineers’ on Industry Day – 2011
- Chief Guest at PVG Engineering College, Nashik & Muktangan School – 2013
- Won trophy for continuous three years for presenting technical paper & Essay on ‘INNOVATION’ at INSSAN (Indian National Suggestion Scheme Association)